Course curriculum

  • 1

    Understanding Toddler Development

    • Toddler Definition and Developmental Milestones

    • What Makes Toddlers Anxious and Frustrated

  • 2

    Toddlers and Self-Regulation: Brain Development and Parent Role

    • Self-Regulation

    • The Brain and Self-Regulation

    • Parent Role

    • Quiz: Toddler Development and Self-Regulation

  • 3

    What are Tantrums and their Natural Causes?

    • What is a Tantrum?

    • Common Causes of Tantrums

  • 4

    Tantrum Survival Tips

    • Tip 1: Know Your Child

    • Tip 2: Be Open and Breath: Remain Calm

    • Tip 3: Understand the Behavior (ABC's)

    • Tip 4: Bring In The Love

    • Tip 5: Setting Limits

    • Tip 6: Parental Attitudes and Care

    • Tantrum Survival Quiz

  • 5

    Dealing with Tantrums Strategies

    • Before the Tantrum

    • During the Tantrum

    • After the Tantrum

    • Do Everyday

    • Things to Avoid During Tantrums

    • Red Flags to Look Out For

    • Dealing with Tantrums Quiz