Course curriculum

  • 1

    Pocket PCIT: Parent Direct Interaction

    • PDI as a Discipline Tool

    • Recipe for PDI Success

    • The Steps to Creating Effective Commands

    • Introduction to Giving Effective Commands

    • Parent's Point: How I Told My Child To Do Something Before and After PCIT

    • Make Commands Direct

    • Give Positively Stated Commands

    • A Sample of the Workshop!

    • Give Specific Commands

    • Give Commands One at a Time

    • Give Developmentally Appropriate Commands

    • Use Commands Only When Necessary

    • Give Commands in a Normal Tone of Voice

    • Explanations should be given before the Command or After the Child Obeys

    • Effective Commands Quiz (MC)

    • Effective Command Quiz (Open Response)

    • Examples of Giving Real Life Effective Commands

    • Practicing Effective Commands Quiz

    • Commands Game

    • Practicing Effective Commands Quiz 2

  • 2

    So I Gave My Child a Command. Now What?

    • Time-out Quiz (MC)

    • Time-out Quiz (Open Response)

    • Three Things Can Happen

    • The Five Second Rule

    • A Sample of the Workshop

    • My Child Obeyed My Command!

    • My Child Disobeyed My Command

    • Parent Question: What if my child obeys me while I am saying the warning statement?

    • A Sample of the Workshop

    • Time-out Quiz 2

  • 3


    • Time-Out Time

    • After 3 Minutes and 5 Seconds of Quiet

    • Parent Questions

    • Reasons for Using the Same Language Everytime

    • Parents' Emotional Reactions to Time-Out

    • Tips for Surviving Time-Out

    • Helpful Thoughts During Time-Out

    • Demonstration of Giving a Command, Time-out Warning, and then Chair Instructions

    • Principles of Time-out Quiz

    • In The Workshop

  • 4

    PDI Practice at Home

    • 1. Stucture The Enviornment

    • 2. Introducing PDI Practice to Your Child

    • 3. Practicing Play-Based Commands

    • 4. Practice Clean-Up Commands

    • 5. Practicing Running Commands

  • 5

    Setting Up House Rules

    • Introduction

    • Examples of Determining if a Behavior Should Require a House Rule and How to Manage it

    • Your Child Hurts or Hits Family Members

    • Your Child Throws Objects When They Are Angry

    • Your Child Yells Often to Get Your Attention

    • Your Child Curses at Others When Frustrated

    • Your Child Whines in Situations They Don’t Like or Want to Get Out Of

    • Your Child Takes Things They Aren’t Supposed to and Runs Away With Them or Hides Them

    • Your Child Makes Rude Gestures When Frustrated

    • Your Child Spits on Others When Frustrated

    • Your Child Refuses to go to Bed

    • Climbing on Furniture

    • Writing on Walls

    • Not Eating at Mealtimes

    • Hurting Animals

    • Refusing to Start Chores or Homework

    • Speaking a Language Other Than What You Want Them to Speak

    • Leaving the Home Without Permission

    • Going into Certain Rooms in the Home Without Permission

    • Destruction of Property (furniture, household items, walls, toys)

    • Getting on Electronics Without Permission

  • 6

    Managing Behavior in a Public Setting

    • Introduction

    • 1. Prepare Before You Leave the House

    • 2. Prasing Your Child in Public

    • 3. Planning Time-Out in Public

    • Managing Future Behaviors

    • Positive Discipline Quiz

    • Positive Discipline Quiz (Open Response)

    • When to Refer to UM PCIT